Thursday, July 30, 2009

What's going on...

I thought this first blog would be a great time to update you all on what's going on in our lives down here in Fuquay. Jason loves his job with Davis, and is continuing to work pretty long days (leaving at 5:50 am and coming home at 6 pm is fairly normal). Most days the temperature is over 90 degrees, so he definitely has had to get used to the heat. Being a forman also means that he has a lot of responsibility for his Mexican crew. He has had to learn quite a bit of Spanish (because no one is teaching "pitchfork" in high school), and occasionally has to deal with a worker who's gotten a little too big for his britches, but overall, he says that he likes most of the men that he works with.

I also have finally "figured out" what I'm going to do with myself (at least for a little while). I was blessed to have a couple who just moved to Fuquay call and ask if I was still watching kids. After quite a few phone conversations we finally met and sometime in August/September I am going to begin to watch their little boy, Shane. Austin already seems to like him, and with Shane turning 2 in September, I think he'll make a great playmate for Austin. I am also working for a neighbor/friend who owns an advertising agency. This is an amazing opportunity right now because I can work when I want to (from my house), and I get paid a nice commission for it. To learn more about the agency, you can go to I am also still selling Mary Kay, and looking at the possibility of teaching a dance class or two come the fall as well. I think that this should keep me busy for at least a little while!

As for Austin (the one I know you all care about!), he is growing up so fast! I can't believe that this upcoming weekend we will be celebrating his 3rd birthday, although he doesn't officially turn three until the 11th. He is so smart (often too smart for his own good), and knows his birthday, his alphabet, his numbers up to about 15 in English and 10 in Spanish. Because he has spent most of his younger years with adults, he also talks like he's a 40 year old man, saying things like, "It was nice seeing you guys" and "Thank you, have a nice day." He is however getting much more interaction with kids his own age down here. The stay at home moms in the neighborhood have started a playgroup on Thursday (which is great for both of us), and there are 4 other kids his age to play with.

Finally, we have started going to a local baptist church down here. I know it's cliche to move to the south and become a baptist, but your choices really are limited down here. There are two local methodist churches (neither of which struck a chord with us), one presby, and even the catholics only have one here! We really do like the church though. Jason and I like the format of the service (a mix of traditional and contemporary), we like the conservative values that they preach, and the people are extremely welcoming and friendly. I just finished helping with VBS, and it was such an amazing opportunity. Every evening (because their VBS started at 6:30) the senior pastor, his wife, and others made a free meal for all of the volunteers and their family, then we headed off to our different areas. Jason helped one night, and we both found it to be a great way to meet more people with children in the church!

I'm sorry this first post was SO long, but I wanted to make sure that from now on I hopefully don't have to backtrack on what we've been doing. Until next time (I'll use one of Austin's favorite Veggie Tales quotes he says) "God made you special and He loves you very much."

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